Thursday, June 18, 2009

a little dijon with that love sack

thank you city paper for finally giving us a little more insight into the secrets behind door number 2000.

we've been staring out at the hubbub for weeks. mindless entertainment, shall we say. it's shameful, really, but YOU try to turn away from this bizarre fascination when it's in your face. all. day. long.

admit it. it's kinda fun.

go ahead, mock the real world, mock us, decry the filth that will be descending upon our neighborhood, shout to the heavens "WHY OH WHY?!" but for sh*ts sake lighten up and laugh about it. when life throws you lemons, make mustard couches. at least that's what it seems like the real worlders will be doing in their "fab" game room:

forgive the crappy camera phone. workin' with what we've got, people.

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